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职位名称 所属机构 工作地点 职位类型 发布日期
养老运营实习生 上海凯健华展养老院 上海 兼职/实习 6月05日
英语翻译 上海总部 上海 兼职/实习 8月28日
运营培训生 上海总部 上海 兼职/实习 8月22日
护士 上海总部 苏州 上海 宁波 全职 8月08日

About Columbia China

Columbia Pacific Management Inc.(简称"CPM")创建并管理Columbia China。

CPM的总部设立于美国华盛顿州西雅图市,是一家跨国医疗服务投资公司,其业务包括在亚洲投资、兴建及运营国际化标准的医院、诊所及养老机构。旗下Columbia Asia已在马来西亚、印度、越南和印度尼西亚开设了近30家医院、诊所及康复护理机构。


Columbia China was founded by Columbia Pacific Management Inc.

With headquarter is in Seattle, USA, CPM is an international business that develops and operates hospitals, clinics and senior living facilities in Asia.

CPM owns Columbia Asia, which has nearly 30 hospitals, clinics, and extended care facilities in Malaysia, India, Vietnam and Indonesia.

2011年,哥伦比亚中国成立,总部设立在上海。为满足中国对国际标准医疗服务日益增长的需求, 哥伦比亚中国将在全国范围内投资设立多家综合、专科医院、诊所、养老护理及康复机构。


In Year 2011, Columbia China set up the head office in Shanghai. To meet China’s growing demand for international standard medical services, Columbia China will invest in the establishment of a number of comprehensive, specialized hospitals, clinics, pension care and rehabilitation facilities throughout the country.

For more information: ww***com[点击查看]

2016年9月,淡马锡战略投资Columbia China,持股50%

In September, 2016, TEMASEK strategically invested in Columbia China, taking 50% shares.



Incorporated in 1974, Temasek is an investment company based in Singapore, with a net portfolio value of S$242 billion as at 31 March 2016, mainly in Singapore and Asia.

For more information: ww***.sg[点击查看]

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