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职位名称 所属机构 工作地点 职位类型 发布日期
设计工程师 上海总部 上海 全职 6月30日
采购工程师 上海总部 上海 全职 6月30日

西马克集团是一家国际著名的设备制造商, 在2008年的销售额为53亿欧元, 全球雇员8810人.
SMS group is an international famous equipment producer whose revenue is 5.3 billion in 2008. There are 8810 employees in the world.

SMS Elotherm 于1906年成立,并于1956年由AEG控股更名为AEG Elotherm,是世界上最早从事感应淬火设备制造的 厂家,是世界著名的同类设备供应商,已有百余年历史。
SMS Elotherm is established in 1906, which is holding by AEG and rename as AEG Elotherm in 1956. It is the earliest producer of induction hard-ening equipment, also famous supplier of same kind of equipment in the world for more than 100 years.

20世纪60年代进入中国市场,国内主要的汽车厂及其配套企业都有我们供应的淬***床, 最早的如洛阳拖拉机及北京斯凯孚, 设备稳定运行超过三十年。
SMS Elotherm enters the China market since 1960’s. Domestic major car maker and Tier 1 have our hardening machine e.g. Luoyang Tractor and Beijing SKF as earliest user for more than 30 years stable running.

大众在中国的所有合资企业如上海大众, 上海大众动力总成, 长春一汽大众及大连大众动力总成, 所有的发动机曲轴淬***床均有我们供货, 是其唯一的独家供应商.
All joint venture company of Volkswagen in China e.g. Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai VWPT, Changchun FAW Volkswagen and Dalian VWPT is the user of crankshaft hardening machine and SMS Elotherm is their unique supplier.

大型曲轴淬***床如资阳机车厂, 山东文登天润等. 大型传动轴生产商上海纳铁福及万向集团也采用了二十多台淬***床,已经可靠稳定地使用了10多年。
Large scale crankshaft hardening machine e.g. Ziyang Diesel, Shandong Wendeng Tianrun etc. large scale transmission shaft producer which is Shanghai KGN and Wanxiang Group have more than 20 units hardening machine and more than 10 years stable running.

艾洛特姆在2003进入西马克集团, 成为西马克集团梅尔分支的一员,公司实力更加强大。
Elotherm joins in SMS group and a part of Meer division in 2003, company strength is stronger.
SMS Elotherm Induction Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is established in 2008, it can provide the complete after-sales service and spare parts for Chinese customers.

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