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上海法雷奥汽车电机雨刮系统有限公司是法国法雷奥(Valeo)与上海实业交通电器有限公司(STEC)共同投资并由法雷奥控股的一家合资公司。法雷奥持股55%,STEC 持股45%。公司成立于1996 年6 月,坐落于上海闵行开发区,专业开发、生产并销售汽车雨刮系统。
Valeo Shanghai Automotive Electric Motors and Wiper Systems Co. Ltd, is a JV between Valeo
Wipers and STEC with Valeo holding 55% equity and STEC holding 45% equity. The company was set up in 1996. It is located in Shanghai Minhang Economic Development Zone, specialized in development,manufacturing and sales of automotive wiper systems.
公司1997 年12 月通过ISO-9000 体系的认证;1999 年10 月通过德国莱茵(TÜV)公司TUV 认证机构组织的QS-9000/VDA6.1 双证认证审核;2001 年通过ISO-14001 认证;2002 年12 月通过德国莱茵(TÜV)公司ISO/TS16949 认证审核;2006 年通过OHSAS-18001 认证。
The company has accredited the ISO9000 quality system in December 1997, QS9000 and VDA6.1 quality systems organized by TÜV Germany in October 1999, ISO-14001 quality system in 2009,ISO/TS16949 quality system organized by TÜV Germany in December 2002, and OHSAS-18001 quality system in 2006.
The wiper systems produced by the company are supplied to SVW, SGM, SAIC, FAW-VW, Chery, Changan Ford, Huachen BMW and Huachen Jinbei etc and also to countries and areas in Australia, India and North America etc.
法雷奥集团(Valeo)是法国一家致力于轿车和卡车的零部件、成套系统和模块设计、生产和销售的独立工业集团,面对OEM 和售后市场。法雷奥集团是全球顶级的汽车零部件供应商之一,给所有主要的汽车生产商配套。至2008 年9 月30 日,集团业务遍及27 个国家,聘用员工近6 万人,涉及90 多个国家民族,建立了130 多个生产工厂,60 多个研发中心。法雷奥集团依据配套零件的驾控性、动力性、舒适性下设11 个产品系列,雨刮系统就是其中之一。截止到2008 年,法雷奥雨刮系统在8 个国家拥有14 个生产厂和4 个研发中心,是全球最大的雨刮系统供应商。在中国,法雷奥有14 家工厂,4 个研发中心和3500 员工。法雷奥雨刮系统在中国有两家:本公司和温岭法雷奥。
Valeo group is an independent industrial group fully focused on the design, production and sale of components, systems and modules for cars and trucks, both on the original equipment market and the aftermarket. Valeo ranks among the world’s top automotive suppliers and supplies all major vehicle manufacturers. By Sept.30th, 2008, Valeo group presents in 27 countries, the Group employs around 60000 people of 90 different nationalities, at 130 production sites, 60 Research & Development centers. Valeo is organized into 11 industrial Product Families and 1 family is dedicated to wiper systems. Valeo Wiper System has 14 plants and 4 R&D centers in 8 countries by March 2007. It is the world Number 1 in wiper systems. In China, Valeo has 14 industrial sites, 4 R&D centers and around 3500 employees.
Valeo Wiper Systems activities have two companies: Valeo SAES and Valeo Wenling.
上海实业交通电器有限公司(STEC)的前身-上海交通电器厂创建于1951 年,企业于1988 年11 月,合资组建成为上海实业交通电器有限公司(简称:上实交通/STEC)。STEC 是上海汽车工业(集团)总公司和上实汽车发展有限公司,共同组建的汽车电子电器系统的核心企业。2007 年6 月12 日,上海汽车工业香港有限公司取代上实汽车发展有限公司成为STEC 股东。目前,公司已拥有上海法雷奥汽车电机雨刮系统有限公司、上海博泽汽车部件有限公司、上海恩坦华汽车门系统有限公司、上海李尔实业交通汽车部件有限公司和上海阿文美驰汽车部件有限公司5 家中外合资公司和1 家全资制造中心。
The former plant of STEC was set up in 1951. It was created as a JV in Nov. 1988 between SAIC and SIIC Auto Company, specialized in automotive electrics. On June 12, 2007, the shareholder, SIIC Auto Development Company is replaced by SAIC Hong Kong Company. Now, STEC has 5 JVs (Valeo-SAES, Brose, Inteva, Lear STEC and ArvinMeritor) and 1 wholly owned manufacturing center.
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